Tuesday 15 September 2015

Exclusive Report: Are Nigerians Fleeing Ireland Because of Racism?

You might not have noticed but Nigerians are deserting Ireland in droves.  As Nigerians acquires Irish citizenship, they have decided to look for greener pastures outside the shores of Ireland with many heading back home while many head for the shores of Manchester, London, Canada and the USA.  But why?

While citizens are suffering, Pastor Adeboye is buying private jet.

Prosperity preacher Adeboye
While majority of it's members are dying in poverty, leader of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Pastor Adeboye recently acquired a Goldstream G550 luxury jet to add to his already growing collection of private jets.  This is coming on the heels of another pastor named TB Joshua who recently acquired a similar jet.  Check pic of jet inside

Shock as R Kelly cast Transgender in new music video. World Reacts.

R Kelly has become the first major Artist to cast a Transgender woman as a lead vixen in a music video.

Thursday 10 September 2015

New Cases of Ebola Recorded in Sierra Leone.

According to reports, 4 new cases of Ebola has be discovered in Sierra Leone after coming in direct contact with a woman who recently died of the deadly disease.

The Head of Sierra Leone’s National Ebola Response Centre, Pallo Conteh, while speaking on the new diagnoses, accused the family members of the deceased of hiding her from health workers when she was ill and resorting to taking care of her themselves. Even after she died, they carried out their traditional practice of washing the corpse of the woman without the use proper disinfectants.
“Our people are stubborn. Until they stop doing what I call the silly things we will have cases popping up here and there. I am expecting more cases,” Conteh said. “We are sure that the body was washed … so all those who took part in the washing of the corpse, all those who were helping her when she was having wet symptoms would all become infected.”he said

Return Of The Savior... President Buhari's 100 Days In Office

There lived a man who had a dream. A dream that one day his people would live a better live. A dream that one day, everybody would be equal and would be subjects to the law. A dream that even the rich would abide by the law no matter whose axe is gored. There live a man in the black continent in the most populous black nation known to man who had a dream in discipline in all aspect of life. A dream whereby corruption is eradicated in all spheres of the nation. A dream to fight the cabals that has left a nation in backwardness since independence. But as they say, a prophet is not respected in his home.
In his love for the nation, he enlisted into the army where he quickly rose to the top echelons of the military institution. He became a General. Those who was privy to his records say he is the most disciplined officer they ever come across and was incorruptible. Some called him a sadist; why not? In a country where corruption and indiscipline hold sway, he was one amongst millions. Yet he continued on his path. When the nation needed someone to handle a very crucial department in the petroleum sector, guess who was called upon? Same man. and boy did he build a flattering sector that is still benefiting the nation till this present day. Then something changed the course of a nation that would bring him prominence but at the same time bring a nation to its knees. In 1983, during one seriously corrupt so called democratic government, some group of military men seized power and in an effort to sanitized the nation and get rid of corruption, the called on the most incorruptible military officer and he answered. He was made a military president and proceeded in ridding corruption in a no hold bare campaign. Nobody was spared. Not even his closest allies. He instilled discipline across the board. His regime was termed "Buharism" because no body was above the law even his fellow military compatriots was not spared. Perhaps this was his biggest problem because 18 months later, he was overthrown and with him went a dream. But as a gallant soldier, he maintained a path that is uncommon in his nation. He stayed true to himself. Didn't seek any government contract and didn't seek to be friends with looters. He watched from afar...
All these while he was gone, criminals ran amok with the national treasury. Corruption was celebrated like never before. The nation became associated with corruption. Her citizens became brainwashed. The cabals held the nation to ransom. The region that provided the national resources that fed the nation was neglected and it's people lived in abject poverty. More than 60% of the nation's citizens lived in abject poverty and this poor folks had no choice than to take up arms and plunged the country into total lawlessness. The worse of this is the brainwashing of it citizens to celebrate this lawlessness. The country's corrupt leaders was celebrated. The name of the country became associated with criminality.
But the general couldn't take it any longer. Amidst the dilapidated state of the nation, he offered himself to the nation for election. Shockingly, he was rejected at the poll because the nation wanted someone from a different ethnic background. He offered himself again and was rejected. But he remained strong. His resolve was unshaken. He offered himself again and still was rejected for the third time. So as much that he cried for the nation. But history was about to repeat itself in the most unconspitous manner. The nation was tricked into electing a man who was from a minority tribe. They were told he was smart and that he had a PHD in Zoology. But my God was he clueless. He plunged the nation into further crisis. Him and his goons partook in unprecedented looting of the national treasury. He knowingly or unknowingly sponsored terrorism and divided the nation along religious and ethnic lines... And when it was time for another election, guess what? The general offered himself up again. But this time, the nation's citizens were smarter and wiser to their tricks. The cabals did all they could. The government tried all they could to disqualify him but the General stood still. They said he was uneducated, a tyrant, a sadist and levelled all kind of allegations against him but he stood still. The progressive citizens fought his conner and low and behold he emerged as the new president of the most populous black nation on mother earth.
Now 100 days into his regime, the criminals are running helter skelter. He has promised to track them down and jail anyone who has looted the nation. Now there is renewed hope for a nation that has been destabilized for too long. He is appointing people who has been held back for too long because they refused to partake in looting the treasury. But even as he tries to repair the damages done for so long, the brainwashed ones are still making empty noise from their computers. The general has come back to rescue his nation. A nation he has swore to uphold and nothing I mean absolutely nothing can stop the general's moving train. Anyone or group of people including the twitter fingers try to wave down the moving train of progress would be crushed never to be found again... And as the general promised, there would be no sacred cows in the quest to bring glory and honour to the most populous black nation on planet earth.
To my President... Thou be hail-let

Monday 19 May 2014

Picture tribute to Ryan Giggs... A Man Utd Hero

Full Statement on Ryan Giggs Retirement

Today is a fantastic day for Manchester United. Louis van Gaal is a great appointment and let me begin by telling you how delighted I am to be working with someone of his calibre. His credentials are second to none and I’m positive the club will thrive under his leadership over the coming years.
I would also like to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from professional football and embark upon a new and exciting chapter in my life, as assistant manager of Manchester United. I am immensely proud, honoured and fortunate to have represented the biggest club in the world 963 times and Wales 64 times.
My dream was always to play for Manchester United, and although it saddens me to know I won’t be pulling on a United jersey again as a player, I have been lucky enough to have fulfilled that dream playing with some of the best players in the world, working under an incredible manager in Sir Alex Ferguson, and most of all, playing for the greatest fans in world football. I have always felt and appreciated your support.
I want to also give a huge thanks to the backroom staff and support teams we have and have had at Manchester United over the years. I would not have achieved the success I have without your continuing dedication and commitment to creating the best environment to enable the players to thrive. I would not have won 34 trophies in my career without you. I would also like to say a special thanks to my friends and family for all your love and support.
For me, today is a new chapter filled with many emotions - immense pride, sadness, but most of all, excitement towards the future. United fans I hope will share and echo my belief that the club, the management and owners, are doing everything they can to return this great club to where it belongs, and I hope to be there every step of the way. To the greatest fans in world football, thank you, I have loved every minute of playing for you and representing the biggest and best club in the world.
See you next season.

Sunday 18 May 2014

You're too fat and Drink too much champagne Britain tells Nigeria

While majority of it's citizens are living on less than $1 per day, wealthy Nigerian elites enjoy Champagne=guzzling lifestyles beyond the wildest dreams of most British public and the rise of Boko Haram has put the country in the spotlight.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Back from the dead.. North Korea Leader Kim Jong-un's "executed" girlfriend surface on tv

We were led to believe that North Korea's leader was so evil, that he executed his ex girlfriend for posing in sexy pictures.  In what is a blow to the Western media who has been propagating lies, she surfaced on tv looking happy and hearty.

Atletico Madrid Wins Spanish La Liga

Atletico De Madrid won the Spanish La Liga title after coming from behind to draw Barcelona in an epic end of season play off.  Super congrats to them...